Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Minutes to win it!!

We have logged 5,201 reading minutes so far. 
Let's all make that number grow!

Log in to your account on the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge page and put in your reading minutes.

Have you read or been read to since May 9th? Those minutes all count!!

For example, if you had a weekly Library class where you read (or were read to) for 30 minutes...log them!

Read to your dog, to your LEGO friends, to your parakeet...anytime anywhere.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Keep up the good work!

I woke up this morning and saw that I had an email from IXL stating that our students had completed 714 questions and practiced 30 skills last week!

We are VEAZIE! 
We are PROUD!

Keep it going!!