Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The greenhouse is up and running

Hello everyone!!

I am back from vacation and happy to be at a computer again so that I can be in touch with all of you!!


I hope you are all still doing your reading every day.  I love hearing from parents and students about the books you are all reading.


Journal entry #2 Exact Instructions Challenge
This week, Mrs. Frazier and the VSLE students are taking on the "Exact Instructions Challenge". Each student will write the instructions for building a banana split. Mrs. Frazier will then make a video using the EXACT INSTRUCTIONS given for making the banana split and share it here for everyone to see.

Mrs. Frazier will have access to the following supplies:

vanilla ice cream
chocolate ice cream
ice cream scoop
spray whipped cream
chopped walnuts
a jar of cherries
chocolate sauce

Journal #3
You have written instructions for the banana split challenges.....Videos are coming soon, I promise! :)

Now, let's try something new. Write a "day in the life of" story using personification. This is when you give the characteristics of a person to something/someone who is not a person. For example, when you say the trees waved hello to them as they entered the forest. The trees moved but, did they didn't actually wave. 

Your story should have a beginning-middle-end format. Length of the story depends upon you. No shorter than one paragraph, no longer than three pages.

Have fun with it!!

Greenhouse Wednesdays in July!!
Morning Time: 10:00-11:30
Afternoon Time: 12:30-2:00

We have begun our greenhouse adventure.  The first vegetables and fruits are coming off.  Thank you to everyone who helped our first week work out so well.

This week--July 12
We will be doing soil testing, building a worm habitat, and, if we have time, a small compost bin.