Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Come to the Open House and...See you next summer!!!

September 13, 2017

Thank you all so much for a great summer!
Look for posts about VSLE 2018 later this spring!
Have a great school year everyone.

 "Small school, BIG 💗"

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

It's like Christmas, it is so exciting!!

We are starting a new school year tomorrow.

Time to celebrate all of the great work you all did over the summer.

Bring in those Reading Logs!! 

Mrs. Frazier will be making a list of all of the Reading Minutes, IXL minutes, and Prodigy minutes you have done over the summer.

Side Note:
Some of our 3D prints didn't come out as planned.  Mrs. Frazier is going to work with Ms. Spinney to fix them so that everyone who came to Veazie Summer Learning has at least one 3D print of their own to show off!!

This summer was so fun!  Thank you all very much!!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Summer Reading and Writing

Hello everyone!!

It is a beautiful day.  We are working through our last week of Summer Learning in the Greenhouse.

Today, it seems like it would be a great day to sit under a tree and read a book.  Keep up the reading!  I look forward to seeing all of the minutes on the reading logs at the end of the summer.

After you read, you may want to write as well.

Here is this week's writing prompt. 

(This writing prompt was first published on

Three Items to Escape and Save the President

You're a secret service agent and you've been kidnapped and are trapped in a basement. You have only three items and must use those three items to escape and save the President of the United States. Go!

I look forward to reading all of your wonderful stories.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The greenhouse is up and running

Hello everyone!!

I am back from vacation and happy to be at a computer again so that I can be in touch with all of you!!


I hope you are all still doing your reading every day.  I love hearing from parents and students about the books you are all reading.


Journal entry #2 Exact Instructions Challenge
This week, Mrs. Frazier and the VSLE students are taking on the "Exact Instructions Challenge". Each student will write the instructions for building a banana split. Mrs. Frazier will then make a video using the EXACT INSTRUCTIONS given for making the banana split and share it here for everyone to see.

Mrs. Frazier will have access to the following supplies:

vanilla ice cream
chocolate ice cream
ice cream scoop
spray whipped cream
chopped walnuts
a jar of cherries
chocolate sauce

Journal #3
You have written instructions for the banana split challenges.....Videos are coming soon, I promise! :)

Now, let's try something new. Write a "day in the life of" story using personification. This is when you give the characteristics of a person to something/someone who is not a person. For example, when you say the trees waved hello to them as they entered the forest. The trees moved but, did they didn't actually wave. 

Your story should have a beginning-middle-end format. Length of the story depends upon you. No shorter than one paragraph, no longer than three pages.

Have fun with it!!

Greenhouse Wednesdays in July!!
Morning Time: 10:00-11:30
Afternoon Time: 12:30-2:00

We have begun our greenhouse adventure.  The first vegetables and fruits are coming off.  Thank you to everyone who helped our first week work out so well.

This week--July 12
We will be doing soil testing, building a worm habitat, and, if we have time, a small compost bin.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Day #1 of the VCS greenhouse!

Today is our first day using the new greenhouse.  

The students who came this morning enjoyed planting black beans and tomatoes.

Check out the VCS Facebook page for pictures of the progress.  We hope to have food to share with the lunch program by the fall.

We will be doing morning and afternoon sessions of VSLE every Wednesday throughout the summer!

Morning times: 10-11:30
Afternoon times: 12:30-2:00

ALSO!!  The Library is open Noon-3:00PM for your air conditioned reading comfort!  See you there!

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Check out the Summer Assignments....71 days until school starts again

Hello everyone!!

The first Reading and Writing assignments are on Google Classroom and ready!

Here is the link to Google Classroom....

The classroom code for VSLE is:  m97xpwb


Writing Journal #1
One of my favorite sounds is the sound of children in the hallway here at school.

What are your favorite sounds?

Describe a scene that shows what it was like the last time you heard your favorite sounds.
Remember to use vivid language and show, not tell.


Our Reading Goal this summer is for all of us to read at least 6 books this summer.  Do you think we can do it?  I think so!  Ready....Set....Go!


Have you used IXL?
Have you played Prodigy?

Those both count toward your Math minutes.  Simply log in, and play.  What could be easier?
Have fun!!

Friday, June 16, 2017

Free Resources from

Hello everyone!

Well, the students finished yesterday and summer has officially begun!!

Now, to help all of our students protect against summer slide,  we are going to be providing some links to websites that offer free resources.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Time to REGISTER for Veazie Summer Learning!!

We are so excited to start the second annual 

Veazie Summer Learning Experience

Want to register?

It is easy!

Click on the link below and fill out the form. 

We will be getting underway soon!

Monday, June 12, 2017

Getting Ready for Summer?

I would bet that we are all looking forward to summer.  The nice weather has finally arrived and it takes our thoughts to swimming and playing outside.  The other thing it takes my thoughts to is...Veazie Summer Learning.  It's time to register and let us know that you would like to be part of the fun this summer.

This summer we will be working on our school garden as well as spending some time exploring and creating with our 3D printers and our LEGO robotics kits.

Check the links to the right side of the page to fill out your registration forms.

Look forward to seeing you all back here soon!

Happy last week of school!!

Mrs. Frazier

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Ready..... Set.... Grow!!!

June 2017

We are gearing up for the summer break!  You can feel it all around the school.  Smiling faces, outdoor projects, and we can finally see the sun!!

We have some exciting things happening here in Veazie this summer.

We are going to continue to work with IXL this summer.  We will also have Prodigy available to us.  Many of the students have already started working with Prodigy and have loved it.

We are MAKERS here in Veazie!  We are CREATIVE!  We are EXPLORERS!

To go with this, our theme this summer is "Ready, Set, Grow!!"

We are going to keep track of IXL and Prodigy minutes as well as Reading minutes.  We will have a journal project as well.

Along with these things, we are going to have time set aside every Wednesday to come in and be creative.  We will be tinkering with many different things during this time.  Some of the things we plan on doing include: robotics, 3D printing, computer coding, and gardening.

More news to come in the brochures that will be going home soon!

See you soon!
Mrs. Frazier